The Carey Federation

Reception Class

Welcome to Summer term 2023

Living things!

Welcome back. 


Our topic this term is  ‘Living things!”  We will be finding out about different life cycles including plants, animals and us!  We will also be exploring different minibeasts and looking at their habitats.  We will be finishing the term with an under the sea theme.    It has been wonderful to see how the children are growing and this term we be preparing them for their transition to year 1.

Enrichment – This term, the children will have dance and music with Mrs Bailey, French with Madam Clark and after half-term Wild tribe will exploring minibeasts in our habitats, making and using maps.

We will continue to explore our school values: building Relationships by being Resilient, Resourceful, Reflective and Respectful as well as our school motto; ‘Aim High, Be Resilient & Take Care of Each Other’.  Our SCARF theme this term is ‘Being my best’ and ‘Growing and Changing’,

PE will remain on Tuesday afternoon, where the children will be practising functional skills.  Later this term the children will also be swimming on Thursday mornings.  (Please see the School newsletter for more information)



You are welcome to send pictures through Class Dojo, to share your child’s achievements from home. These contribute to your child’s assessment and are a vital part of the progress your child will make. This is an opportunity for us to hear about and celebrate your child’s home achievements.

Show and tell bag.  This term the ‘show and tell’ bag will be sent home for your child to choose an item that they would like to share with the class.  This could be a toy, photo, certificate or special object. This will help develop the children’s communication and language skills, as well as their confidence to speak in a familiar group.


The development of reading is of utmost importance.  Please remember to bring in your reading books and diaries every day.  Library books are changed every Tuesday.

Please send your child with their water bottle every day labelled with their name.

In anticipation for the weather improving, if sunny could the children please have sun cream applied before school and bring a hat.


Home learning;

For the Reception children we ask for them to continue to read child 5 times a week. This regular practise that makes a huge difference.   We will also be setting ‘Mathseed’ activities each week.

  Many thanks for your support with your child’s learning,  The happiness of the children is paramount, if you have questions or concerns please come to discuss.

 Mrs Beer, Mrs Cawsey & Ms Steward




Overview of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.

What Is the Early Years Foundation Stage?

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the stage of education for children from birth to the end of the Reception year. It sets standards for the learning, development and care of your child from birth to 5 years old with the aim that your child will learn and develop well and be kept safe.  It is based on the recognition that children learn best through play and active learning and is the same curriculum as in pre-reception settings.



What Will My Child Be Learning?

The EYFS framework outlines seven areas of learning and development and educational programmes. There are three prime areas of learning, which are particularly important for your child’s development and future learning:

*Communication and language

*Personal, social and emotional development

*Physical development

There are four specific areas of learning, through which the prime areas are strengthened and applied:



*Understanding the world

*Expressive arts and design

We will consider your child’s needs and interests to plan challenging and enjoyable activities and experiences.  You can help us to do this by sharing your observations of your child’s interests at home.


There are also three characteristics of effective teaching and learning:

*Playing and exploring

*Active learning

*Creating and thinking critically

These tell us about how each child learns not what they are learning

Play is essential for children’s development; building their confidence as they learn to explore, relate to others, set their own goals and solve problems. Children learn by leading their own play, and by taking part in play which is guided by adults.



Assessment in the reception year – Baseline

The reception baseline assessment, or RBA is a short, interactive and practical assessment of your child’s early literacy, communication, language and mathematics skills when they begin in school. It will be undertaken with your child’s class teacher and will measure your child’s progress from reception to year 6. The data from the baseline will not be shared with you and will only be accessed by the DFE. The teacher will be able to spend quality 1-1 time with your child, getting to know them and identifying if they need any further support in certain areas. When your child reaches year 6, you will be able to see the progress your child has made throughout their school journey. If you wish to read further on the reception baseline, then you can find a useful parent booklet here;



Assessment in the reception year – EYFS Profile

Your child will work towards the final assessment at the end of the Reception year, using the ELGs (Early Learning Goals). These goals are short statements that teachers assess your child against at the end of the year.  Please see below our Class long-term curriculum plan.


Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to us.

Thank you for your continued support.

In class we use Numberblocks’ related activities and games to support you with number concepts and deepen your understanding of number.

Please click on the link for more information about the Early learning goals: Early Learning Goals – website